Master Roshi

Designed by Bubblez705

Fictional character in the Japanese manga and anime series Dragon Ball.

Sung Jinwoo

Designed by Jaegerist

Sung Jinwoo from the anime series Solo Leveling.

Frog Hat

Designed by lacuna

Girl wearing a cute frog themed summer outfit.

Hero Knight

Designed by q1yx

Scary knight with bright white eyes.

Agent Duck

Designed by Scould

Blocky duck wearing sunglasses and a suit.

Regular Villager

Designed by Sleacky

Just a normal Minecraft villager wearing a long brown coat.


Designed by Exsang

Humanoid hostile entity from the horror game Lethal Company.


Designed by SassySnivy

A fire-type Pokemon that evolves by using the Fire Stone, and a final evolution of Vulpix.

Faded Purple

Designed by im_vr

Boy wearing a faded black and purple outfit.

Dungeon Jester

Designed by Sey

Medieval court jester wearing a scary white mask.

Mythic Adventurer

Designed by LillieArtz

Deer inspired adventurer complete with gloves and flower crown.

Casual Boy

Designed by Erop

Boy wearing a chilled out blue sweater with black jeans.